Scabies RashScabies Rash is an infection of the itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei. The itch mite is an eight-legged parasite and not an insect as many people believe. Insects have only six legs. The itch mite is relatively invisible to the naked eye and is usually only 0.3 millimeters in length. The mite is transferred by direct contact with other infected people. They can be transferred via clothing and linens, but they only live for 36 hours once detached from a host.
Scabies Rash causes severe itching, which is almost always worse at night. The itch mite is found in all parts of the world and on all groups of people.
The itch mites like to dig their little skin homes in certain parts of the body, such as in between fingers, in armpits,on waistlines, inside of our wrists, on buttocks, around breasts, backs of our elbows, around ankles, on the soles of our feet, and on genitals. Their home or burrow is typically an oblong, round shape. A doctor may locate an itch mite at the end of the burrow and remove it to confirm diagnosis.
Scabies Rash is not a serious infection, but it is really annoying and extra gross.
Scabies Rash
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